Friday, January 24, 2014

green eggs & a snow day

..because I don't eat ham!

So the DC area was hit by a whopping 6-8 inches of snow this past week, which, without fail, shuts the whole area down for at least a day or two.

When I officially called it a snow day and closed down work at 8am, it looked like this outside.

Anticipatory? A bit. But you have to understand that a mid-day snowstorm caused a 13 hour traffic jam in DC back in 2011. People here simply don't know how to deal with snow, much less driving in it, and you really just kind of have to embrace it. So I did.

And see? It actually did snow quite a bit! Well.. eventually.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hey, Goüter!

Well, I'm still alive, so that's a good sign.

As I'm writing this, I have one more tonic to go on day 3 - the last day of my little cleanse.

How am I feeling? Pretty good, actually.
Am I excited to digest some delicious noms tomorrow.. not in tonic form? Hells. Yes.

{I actually had a dream about tortilla chips last night. It was delightful.}

Now I have to admit that I tend to have a flair for the overdramatic on occasion. So despite my musings, you must know that no, I was never rolling around crying and thinking "omg I'm so hangryyyyyy". Did my tummy grumble a bit? Sure. But it does every day. Did I occasionally wish I could have a nice, fresh salad? You bet. But did I make it through.. and dare I say, enjoy it?.. absolutely.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A pre-cleanse "cleanse". Say what?!

So I had a fairly lovely holiday season. It involved a lot of wine. And food. (As most things in my life do.)

Cue: photo montage.

Now despite the good times, now that it's all over, I've been left feeling a bit.. at capacity. Generally blah (scientifically speaking).

I do my best to eat right and not over-do it, but I think I took a lot of the stress of 2013 and just dumped it into my holiday celebrations. Which is great - we all deserve to enjoy life in whatever way we want to. But my body just isn't used to it all. On top of that, I didn't go to yoga for about a month due to various circumstances (that I can justify all I want, but really, why couldn't I get my butt to at least a class or two?!).

All of this is to say that I have decided to do a juice cleanse.

Dun dun dun.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Resolutions..? I am Ron Burgandy..?

Oh, eff it. I started writing this whole post on non-resolutions and how I don't believe in them, but you know what? I actually have a crap ton of resolutions for the upcoming year. Well, maybe more of a mix of resolutions and goals, really. Goal-utions? Reso-goals? Whatever.

Anyway, I figure the best way to possibly complete said goalutions would be to list them out - makes it more permanent and accountable, you know? And plus, I love me some lists.

1. Blog more.

Well, that's been a goal for what, a year and a half now?

2. Help out more around the house.

Let me put this out there: I have an extremely amazing, generous, and patient husband. Who does a crap ton around the house. I mean.. he's just so good at sweeping and the dishes and cleaning the cat box, you know? Who am I to get in the way of that?

Alas, he actually wants to be the one to go back to school/training this year (since it's been me twice now).. so I should probably figure out how exactly to use a vacuum. (Don't laugh.)

3. Purge.

I already did this before we moved over the summer, but I need to do another round. We just have so. much. ish. And I have so. many. jeans. Gotta cut the cord!

4. Get my health coaching in order.

I have a lot of ideas for this, but am having trouble implementing them. But, I am determined. And I am woman. Hear me (and my chia seeds) roar.

5. Organize my Pinterest.

Yes. I'm being serious. My pins and boards are all over the place and I really want to use that site for good.. but right now it's the equivalent of my room on its messiest day. Except for my wedding boards. Those are golden.

6. Take a break from social media.

So.. yes. This sort of goes against number 5. But I mostly mean Facebook - I check it too much, primarily out of boredom. I could definitely cut it back a bit.

7. Be happy with my myself, as I am.

That's part of the beauty of being both a health coach and human. This is still something I'm working on.

So what are your goalutions? How good are you at keeping them?