Like me. Two weeks ago.
What brought about this.. revelation, if you will.. was a level 2 (out of 3) class I took on (more on that soon!). I figured: hey, I take mixed level Vinyasa classes all the time, I'm starting to get comfortable with inversions (ok.. so really just shoulder stand and wheel {aka the back bend thing}), and I've definitely progressed since I started taking classes regularly last year. Level 2 should be good, right?
Well.. sort of. I could definitely keep up with maybe 80% of the class. Never mind the fact that I was completely tired and out of breath by the end of it. But the other 20%? I'm telling you, that last 20% really made me realize how much more I not only have to learn, but practice and perfect as well.
I have to admit, I was so grateful for the realization and humbling experience. I've been so hell bent on wanting to get my yoga teacher training ASAP, and this was the first moment I was really able to take a step back and acknowledge that I've only just begun my yogic path.
The thing is, I love yoga not only for the physical aspect, but the spiritual as well. The same way being healthy is not simply a diet, but a lifestyle.. so is yoga. It's an amazing, all encompassing lifestyle and philosophy that truly speaks to me. And lately, I have been more committed than ever to progress with my yogi lifestyle.
Have you ever had a humbling, but exciting experience with something you're passionate about? How did it affect you?
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