Friday, May 10, 2013

random and sporadic: it's how I do.

I seriously need to get back to blogging. I pretty much have this thought at least once a day (you know, because I lead such a fascinating life) (not really).. usually something along the lines of "I should totally blog about this."

Deep, I know.

Because I'm a blogger, right?

Well, I used to be.

In that, Scot and I got married, I blogged about it, and then I pretty much stopped.

But, I guess having a full time job, transitioning into a more senior position, going back to school, starting a new business, finding a new place to live, and having a gimpy cat will do that to you.

And the fact that none of this makes any sense to anyone but myself kind of speaks for itself.

But enough yapping and whining.. the only way to achieve something is to actually DO it. And I've realized the easiest way for me to do that is to have a certain plan of action, while not sticking to it too tightly. Oxymoron? Yes. The thing is, I have general intentions for this blog - namely my health journey, lifestyle, random delicious foody things - so when something happens that I deem "blog worthy" that doesn't exactly fit into those categories, I end up just letting it go. Then I regret it, because later, I really wish I had blogged about it earlier, because it ends up causing or affecting other aspects of my life. Is this making any sense??

UGH ok. Anyway. Letting it roll. The hubs and I are just about to head out to see about a rental that we could move into starting mid-June, so I'll start with that later.

I promise it'll get much more interesting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I went through a total blogging lull and think I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of things. I think I go through up and downs of YES blog, NO blogging is lame, YESS!

I think at the end of the day I love writing way too much!