Thursday, July 31, 2014

Happy 60th, dad!

It's really kind of crazy that it's my dad's 60th birthday. Mostly because I can't believe he's 60.. you always have all these preconceived notions of what people look like or act like at a certain age, and then when you or a loved one gets to that point, it's all just so crazy and surreal. Now, I do think my dad is blessed with some fabulous genes (so is my mom, honestly), but still. 60!!

I was lucky enough to be able to go home earlier this week and see him to celebrate a few days early - and while it wasn't on the exact day, it was still fun to visit for a bit! Usually when I go home and we go out to eat, it's at one of several places: Applebee's (high school, anyone?), a diner, Red Lobster (my dads fave), or more recently, Hemingway's. But we totally went out of the box this time - I mean, it's his 60th! - and decided to go to Louie's Oyster Bar, a spot often referred to as one of the best seafood joints on Long Island. If there's one thing my dad loves, it's oysters.

I'm still fantasizing about all that delicious food, not to mention the amazing view.

And even though we treated ourselves to some specialty (read: alcoholic) coffee and a carrot cake for dessert, we still managed to find some room in our bellies for a little ice cream cake later on in the day. It's kind of tradition in our family to have a Carvel ice cream cake for your birthday, especially seeing as myself, my dad, and my stepmom all have summer bdays. Plus.. the crunchies in the middle. I dream about those cakes.

So naturally, we went with the classic Fudgy the Whale.

And what party is complete without hats.. and cats in hats?!

I think one of my favorite parts about visiting home this time was reminiscing a bit, particularly about my dad's other "significant birthdays". He's not one for big hooplas, but the church surprised him for his 40th (I was 9), and the family surprised him for his 50th (I was 19).

It's nuts how much I feel like I've aged (well.. obviously) and how much I feel like my dad stayed the same.. but in a good way! It's been nice being able to visit and talk to him more often over the past few months to year - I feel like we've gotten a bit closer, and it's always fascinating to see how much of him I carry around with me in regards to my mannerisms, thoughts, actions, etc in my everyday life.

But all this is to say - happy birthday, dad - and here's to many more. Stay cool!!

1 comment:

Jeannine | The Small and Chic Home said...

We were total Carvel people for every celebration when i was little. I haven't seen fudgie the whale in years!!!

Happy birthday to your dad!