Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Happy Endings

I've always wanted to be part of a book club. Well.. at least for the past five years or so.

It's funny because I think book clubs can get a bad rap - conjuring images of 40 year old housewives and 80 year old grandmothers sitting around as discussing the latest Oprah find. At least, that's where my mind tends to go first when I hear the words "book club". While I've always enjoyed reading, the idea of discussing what I read seemed both silly and terrifying to me. Mostly because that's what we had to do in school with every damn book and I will tell you right now, I am the worst with symbolism.  The Lord of the Flies was about some messed up kids, and that's it. Just let me enjoy the book.

And then somewhere along the way, I decided that I absolutely must join - maybe even start? - a book club. Mostly to kick my butt into gear and actually get me reading and finishing a book. I constantly find myself in the middle of 3 or 4 different books, which is super, but it takes me 10 months to finish anything because of my perpetual need for something new to keep me entertained. Then I get all upset because I never finish anything, and forget what I was even reading about. It's quite stupid, actually.

Rewind to last weekend when I was out on the town with my lovely friend T and her hubs. We went to this fabulous little posh-dive bar (oxymoron much?) that specializes in crazy cocktails - one of which was called a Happy Ending. Gin, raspberry, jalapeƱo, lemon.. I was sold.

The topic of birthdays came up, as T turned the big 3-0 this year, her hubs had a birthday the week before, and I just had mine a few weeks ago. Naturally, we starting griping about "getting old".. and T mentioned wanting to be in a book club. We started bonding over our mutual dorkiness and admiration for the subject, and decided we must start our own club. It would be called Happy Endings.. and it totally relates to books. Not just delicious drinks and naughty things.

So we are currently deciding what to read first.. and I have to say, once again, Pinterest is delivering with all the suggestions. I'm hoping we can choose by tomorrow so I have something to bring with me and read in Maine (in between all the lobster, of course).

Any suggestions? What books have you been loving lately?

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm part of a book club! We've taken a summer hiatus, but it's so much fun. Most of us don't actually read the book and those that do, usually most have listened to the audio version! hahah

We all go for the food and drinks. Let's be honest.

We take turns picking (usually whoever hosts picks the next book). I have only been part of 3 books in our club and I wouldn't necessarily recommend them.

I did read Emily Giffen's new one recently and really liked it!