Sunday, February 23, 2014

good start: blueberry kale smoothie

Green smoothies are all the rage right now, as I'm sure you well know. And why shouldn't they be? Depending on what you throw in there, green smoothies are:

1. packed with healthy nutrients, vitamins, and minerals
2. an easy and yummy way to up your daily dose of fruits & veggies (which can help prevent cancer and other diseases!)
3. great for a natural energy boost
4. I could go on and on.. or you could hop over here to read a bit more!

Those all sound like pretty good reasons to try one today, right?


Which is exactly what I did this morning. I have a full day of wine-pouring to do over at the farm today, and what better way to get an energetic, healthy start than with a yummy blueberry kale smoothie?

First up: the ingredients.

I have to admit that I'm a huge almond milk lover. Next on my list is making my own (to avoid all the extra and unnecessary add-ins you find in most popular brands), but for now, Almond Breeze works. I like to cut the amount of milk I use with a bit of water, as well.

One of my personal "secret" ingredients, as you may notice up there on the left, is pumpkin. I often use this in place of yogurt or tofu in smoothie recipes - it adds a great substance and creamy texture, doesn't have that "pumpkin" flavor you think of (that's mostly in the spices you add, actually!), and is incredibly good for you. Another yummy, and more green option, would be avocado!

But enough chit-chat. Let's get our green on!

blueberry kale green* smoothie
*green tends to become a bit bluish in nature when you blend kale and blueberries!

1 banana (I use half frozen, half regular)
1/4c frozen mango chunks
1/3c frozen blueberries
1 large kale leaf, chopped
1/4c pumpkin puree
1 Tbsp ground flax
1/2 Tbsp natural almond butter (or any other nut butter!)
water + almond milk as needed - less for a thicker smoothie, more for more liquify

Add all ingredients into blender*, mix well, and enjoy!

*I tend to use either my Magic Bullet or Oster MyBlend - I'm hoping to get a NutriBullet for my birthday this year!!

Do you have a favorite green smoothie recipe? Do share!

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